Why is Understanding the Books of Kings Important?
God's Revelation in the World
What? SOWIM’s books are now available on Logos?
That’s right! SOWIM’s books will be available on Logos starting in June, with the hope of enabling more partners in different regions to transcend geographical boundaries, carrying SOWIM’s materials to “provide seed for the sower and bread for the eater.” Join the ranks of those who walk with God, fulfilling His great commission!
Egypt Short-term Mission
Footprints of God's Love

One of the main focuses of Sowers’ ministry is to support cross-border missions to fulfill God’s Great Commission – to spread the word of God to the ends of the earth. This February, under the leadership of Rev. Mong, a team of eight arrived in Cairo, Egypt, for a 10-day mission trip. In addition to meeting with the president of Cairo Theological Seminary to discuss the situation of Christianity in Egypt – an average of 10% of the population are Christians who face discrimination and persecution on many levels – under the guidance of Rev. Basim Adly, we visited the First Mission Church of Assiut in central Egypt, where nearly 500 Christians, from young to old, joined us in studying and discussing Sowers’ Life Bible Reading guide for the Book of Job (currently translated into Arabic).
Seeing the earnest desire of all the participants, using the Life Bible Reading guide for the Book of Job to better know our wonderful and great Savior Jesus Christ, deeply moved our hearts. Sowers provided thousands of Arabic materials to churches in Egypt completely free of charge, “The One who provides seed for the sower and bread for food,” which deeply touched my heart and made me completely devoted to Sowers’ ministry. I never imagined that through Sowers’ materials, we could truly spread the word of God to the ends of the earth!
I am even more grateful to the Lord for giving me this opportunity to participate in the work of the Kingdom of God through prayer and offering. During our interactions with every elder, young person, child, Christian or Muslim in Egypt, we deeply felt God’s love was among us! The demand for Bible study materials in Egypt is growing, and Sowers has already provided over 5,000 copies free of charge to local churches there to assist in missionary work. In addition to the Book of Job, Sowers is also working on translating and printing the Life Bible Reading for the Book of Joshua and other materials into Arabic. We sincerely invite you to join Sowers’ ranks through prayer and offering, to fulfill God’s revelation to Christians in the Book of Isaiah: “The One who provides seed for the sower and bread for food” (Isaiah 55:10), so that people in every corner of the world have the opportunity to access God’s precious word and complete the Great Commission entrusted by God.
(This article was written by Stella, a member of the Egypt short-term mission team)
A Mother's Toil, Remembered by God

Do you know which mothers are mentioned in the Bible?
Hannah, the mother of Samuel, was once desperate amidst the mockery of her infertility, but was comforted by the words of the priest Eli: “May the God of Israel grant your petition.” Because of God’s care, she was willing to dedicate her long-awaited child to God.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, was told by the Holy Spirit that she would conceive and bear a son before she was married. From the unknown pregnancy that could lead to rumors, to ultimately standing at the foot of the cross, gazing upon this child who came with a wondrous prophecy being nailed, she must have had mixed emotions.
Do you see the image of your own mother in these biblical mothers? You are welcome to write about a mother from the Bible who resembles your own mother, and the reasons for the resemblance, and email it to us. There is a chance that it will be published in our prayer letter and social media platforms next month!

Become a SOWIM Warrior, Journey with us to Inherit the Heavenly Kingdom

The work of SOWIM requires everyone’s participation – those who have monetary means, please contribute financially, those who have strength you can lend us your helping hands.
If you wish to become a SOWIM elite warrior by contributing to this important cause, please click the button below to join us now!