CEO Reverend Susan S. Chen

Rev. Susan S. Chen is the Founder, President, and lifetime volunteer of Spring of Water International Ministries (SOWIM), a non-profit Christian organization. Responding to God’s specific calling – giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater (Isaiah 55:10), SOWIM produces top-caliber biblical learning resources in Chinese, English, and Arabic for the edification and maturing of all those who seek the Lord.

Rev. Chen graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2014 with a Master of Arts in Theology, with an emphasis in Biblical Studies and Theology. She is grateful for opportunities to serve as a Bible teacher and guest speaker at churches around the world. At SOWIM, Rev. Chen served as chief editor and co-author for the Bible study sets on the books of Esther, Ruth, Ezra, Judges and Job, and as author for the Bible study sets on the books of Joshua, Nehemiah, 2 Samuel and Chronicles.

Ivy Lin

Ivy was born in Shandong, China and baptized in the name of Jesus Christ in 2009.

She completed her Bachelor’s degree at the University of East Angeles (UK), majoring in Film and Television Studies. In 2014, she graduated with her MFA in Television, Film and Theater Production at California State University, Los Angeles. Over the years, Ivy has been engaged in media research, filming, post-production through a variety of projects. She wants to thank God for the wonderful opportunity to work at Spring of Water International Ministries and serve God in the area of multimedia.

I was born in Taiwan and attended Christian schools from junior high school to college. However, it was not until I came to American Graduate School that I received the Holy Spirit and believed in the Lord and was saved.

For the past thirty years, I have served in the marketing department of Texas and California government agencies, but I always have God’s great commission in heart – to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.

By participating in a short-term mission trip to Egypt in February 2024, I gained a better understanding and was convinced of the quality of SOWIM multimedia Bible teaching materials and how these help the spiritual growth of readers/viewers.

Just after finishing my short-term mission in Egypt, I learned that SOWIM was looking for staff. After many prayers, I decided to join SOWIM to help more people have access to spiritual food and seeds, and together to fulfill God’s Great Commission.

Stella Lin

Lily Lin

I am a member who joined SOWIM in 2022. I love life, have a wide range of interests, am enthusiastic about helping others, and like to learn new things.

Although I am not a Christian, the pastor selflessly accepted me and gave me a chance. It was my first time to come into contact with a Christian organization like SOWIM. I was very excited. All the ministries were so friendly. Everyone has extended a hand of friendship to me and given me the opportunity to be a part of SOWIM, and I feel so honored and excited to be able to grow with SOWIM and really allow me to grow from my work. Working in SOWIM made me realize that there is no commercial atmosphere and no intrigue working environment. What I learned was a calm and comfortable environment, very nice, grateful.

.Taiwan Team

CEO Reverend Daniel Chuang

Doctor of Systematic Theology, Southeast Asia Theological Seminary. Formerly served as the Senior Pastor of Panding Presbyterian Church, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at Taiwan Theological College and Seminary, Editorial Writer for the Christian Tribune, and Taiwanese-speaking Preacher for Good News TV.

Ministry Vision: To promote a return to the Back to the Bible movement.

Denise Yen

After completing her undergraduate and graduate degrees in French and French Literature, Denise attended the Chinese University of Hong Kong EMBA program, where she developed a strong interest in marketing. Denise has been engaged in the marketing of international boutique brands such as Dior, Porsche Desisn, and Versace for more than ten years in the industry and enjoys analyzing marketing strategies across different industries. Called by God, Denise was baptized in 2011 and joined the SOWIM team in 2021. As Denise entrusts her future to God, her prayer is to wait on God with an obedient heart, to lay down her fear, and to follow Him with courage and boldness.

Angel graduated from Taiwan Theological Seminary with a master’s degree in Taoism and the Department of Sociology of Tunghai University. She likes thinking and understanding and has aplanning personality, but she finds that life is actually an adventure and is always not in the plan.

It is God who gives us the testimony that “all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose.” She hopes to know herself on the basis of knowing God, to think about others with Christ as the center, to learn to recognize where the world needs the gospel, to be grasped by God’s words, and to live out the meaning of creation.

Angel Chung

Phoebe Yu

Phoebe just graduated from Tamkang University’s German department. By faith, she joined SOWIM to become a church builder.

Samuel is from Taiwan, he studied at the Department of Visual Communication and Photography in Tokyo. He is willing to sow seeds to fulfill some of the things Jesus told before he left.

Samuel Xu

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