
Entering the mission field

SOWIM uses Chinese, English, Arabic, Spanish and other dialects to spread the truth of the Bible and the salvation of Jesus Christ all around the world like sowing seeds. Each set of teaching materials includes Bible study guides and videos that offer scripture expositionand personal immersion into the reality of biblical events. Each film has incisive explanation of the Bible, on-site shooting of the historical sites and cultural relics, vivid 3D animations and illustrations, realistic drama restored scenes, etc. Together with the scriptures, these videos are an indispensable tool for a concrete understanding of the Bible. These biblical resources are most welcomed by Sunday schools, Bible study fellowships, and international missions among 38 nations worldwide.

We are witnessing with our own eyes the videos produced by SOWIM are like seeds, carried by the wind of the Holy Spirit, sowing in different countries, preaching the truth of the Bible in the local languages. They are the valuable and vital resources for healthy and vibrant growth of churches and the solid rooting of faith among the Christ followers.



According to statistics, there are currently more than 595 million people in the world whose mother tongue or second language is Spanish, which is the second most spoken language in the world. It is mainly used in Latin America and Spain. Spanish is also listed as the official language of the United Nations and the European Union.

Starting from year 2016, God has grouped five churches in Southern California with one sharedvision – to carry out a long-term evangelical ministry in Mexico. Soon they realized the lack of local spiritual resources among the pastors, and solid biblical equipment are terribly needed. In 2023, Rev. Steven Wang of Evangelical Formosan Church of Irvineidentified the SOWIM Discipleship Bible Study serles are great toolsto meet the needs in Mexico.Meanwhile, God built a bridge between SOWIM and the Spanish translatorsin a miraculous way. By the spring of 2023, the translation of the 1st and 2nd “Book of Samuel” officially began. The first set of  “1 Samuel” Discipleship Bible Study materials in Spanish is released in August 2023.

It is an amazing journey and one that fills us with gratitude. In this process, we realize that God himself is the one whomakes all it possible – “producing seed to the farmer and food to the hungry” (Isaiah 55:10, NLT). If your church has missionary work in the United States or in Central and South America, SOWIM is willing to be your partner to evangelize among Hispanic churches.You are welcome to contact SOWIM office in North America – info@sowim.org; 949-502-5688. Let us sow the seedstogether and bring God’s abundant spiritual food to every part of the world, we will see the earth filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea!

Would you also like to work with us in tilling the soil and sowing seeds? If you are moved by the work of Spanish translation, you are welcome to support us through donations!

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