God’s Revelation in the Human World

On the stage of history, the powerful kings and leaders who dominate the scene seem to hold the pulse of international affairs. However, they are unable not only to stop the scourge of war but also to halt the cruelty of economic turmoil. Living in the 21st century, how should you and I position ourselves to stand firm in today’s chaotic world?

To find the answer, we must read the Book of Kings in the Bible. Through the true records of the Book of Kings, God seeks to adjust the perspective in our hearts, enabling us to receive His revelation in the human world! This is the heart behind God leading SOWIM to create the Kings discipleship Bible study book and film—to point you and me toward a path of peace and blessing amidst the confusion of this world.

Are you looking forward to embarking on this King’s discipleship journey with Pastor Daniel Chuang? Sign up now! Let Pastor Chuang guide you into the scenes of the Bible and receive God’s revelation.

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