"New Year" is a verb
How to use the Book of Nehemiah for discipleship training?
Not only does God “speak” to people clearly and directly, but a heart which connects with Him is also important. Nehemiah, who was involved in cupbearer affairs daily, heard the cries of his fellow countrymen amidst his busy schedules. Compassion gradually drew his heart closer to God, and subsequently, he first prayed and sought God. After obtaining the king’s permission to lead the people in rebuilding the city walls, Nehemiah still had to face external challenges. Obeying God’s will does not mean a smooth future. The path of discipleship training is a hard road, but there is God’s presence; and where God is present, there is glory.

Set off!
A Mission Trip in which Spiritual, Intellectual and the Great Commission Come together

As you step on the land of Egypt, you will feel how the ancient civilization was nurtured by the Nile River. You will see how the Gospel of Christ has left vivid marks in this land. The Egypt Mission Team will set off in February. We anticipate God using each team member in various capacities to bring the Gospel alive wherever they go and once again making Egypt a beacon of salvation in the Arab world.

The Knowledge of Knowing Jehovah Is Like Water Filling Up the Rivers of Seine and Donggang Creek

From mid-January to early February, Pastor Daniel Chuang, CEO of SOWIM Taiwan, will be giving lectures crossing national borders from the culturally rich of Paris, France, to the warm-hearted southern town of Chaozhou in Pingtung, Taiwan. Putting on the glasses of discipleship, he will immerse others in the live scenes of the Book of Samuel. We hope for safe travels for Pastor Chuang and sufficient strength and rest in the busy schedule. May God’s word impact both the pastor and the listeners. We welcome your prayers and share in the joy of God’s work and accomplishments together.

Launching of Bible Discipleship Encouragement Project (Taiwan Region)

“I wish to experience the real movement and impact of the gospel with others!”
Is this your voice? We hear you!
The SOWIM team is working with main denominations and mission organizations in the world by giving out two copies of our latest publication to any local churches in Taiwan, who apply. This year we enter the book of Chronicles. We welcome you and churches to apply and continue living in God’s words with others.

Sowing in the land of Mexico – SOW.Gospel

Did you know that SOWIM publication is also translated into Spanish? Last month, Pastor Susan, the founder of SOWIM along with a group of partners, went on a short-term mission to Mexico. They shared the Book of 1 Samuel with local churches. God spoke directly to the hearts of brothers and sisters through Susan’s preaching, encouraging and inspiring them to embark on a journey experiencing the realization of God’s word with others. This month, Pastor Susan will once again visit Mexico, allowing more lives eager for God to return to the live scenes of the Bible and to grasp God’s intentions for this generation. We invite you to participate through prayers.
The Chronicles Discipleship Training
Online Seminar

With the completion of the “Chronicles Discipleship Bible Study”, the online seminars will be launched in March this year!
Paragraphs of genealogy that are heavy on the eyelids, the history of the rise and fall of the Israelite kings. What do these have to do with me? It turns out that the focus of reading scripture is not just an objective event, analysis, or how scripture can be applied to life. Let us enter the Chronicles with the perspective of discipleship, participate in the action of discipleship training for God, and live out the chronicles of God together
🌱Differences from previous seminars🌱
– Fees are collected for this seminar
– Pre-recorded videos will be used in this seminar
Need more information or wish to register? Please click the button below.
Become God’s Elite Force Together
SOWIM Warriors Wanted

We are all loved by God, redeemed by God, and graciously called by Him.
But are we really willing to offer ourselves and to put ourselves in God’s hands?
SOWIM wishes to encourage people to return to God’s words, not focusing on attractive operations but solely on what God calls us to do.
If you wish to contribute to this important cause, please click the button below to join us now!