SOWIM COURSESSOWIM Warrior_Chronicles_Online Discipleship Courses
Chronicles_the First Station
When God’s people were lost and helpless, God inspired the author of Chronicles to write down God’s revelation, confirming to them that God’s promises never change. Although the Israelites went through a period of wandering and displacement, God reminded them that they were forever His beloved and chosen children. God wanted to help them find their identity as “children of God” in their present reality…
Opening Chronicles chapter 1, they see God’s creation of Adam, tracing the genealogies down to Abraham and Judah’s ancestors. This roots Israel’s origins in Adam, God’s creation. Standing on this land, reading their ancestors’ names aloud, they feel connected to the soil their forefathers cultivated and inhabited.
Chronicles_the Third Station
Gazing at the night sky in the wilderness, we see a multitude of stars shining brilliantly like diamonds. But when the ground is illuminated, we can only make out a few of the brightest stars. However, these stars in the night sky are still able to mark directions and represent the changing of the four seasons – spring, summer, fall, and winter. The genealogies covered in Chronicles span a vast period of time, too lengthy to list out every single name; but we can be assured that every name appearing in these genealogies is like a star in the night sky…
The people of Israel asked God to appoint a king for them. The author of Chronicles presents the first two kings anointed by God – Saul and David – before the readers today. Saul was the first anointed king of Israel, but due to his offenses against God and walking away from God, he brought disgrace and ruin upon himself. On the other hand, David, because he wholeheartedly sought after God and revered Him, not only received God’s blessings but also the support of the people. This allowed him to progress from a shepherd boy to becoming the ruler of a nation step-by-step…
Chronicles_the Fifth Station
David was chosen by God and anointed as king in Hebron. However, what occupied the throne of David’s heart was the desire to build a magnificent temple for God. Have you ever wondered, if a person does not seek fame, fortune or power, but solely loves and reveres God wholeheartedly, what kind of life path would unfold for them?
Previously, we saw God’s chosen David embraced by Israel’s twelve tribes, fulfilling his anointing as king. Yet David was not drunk on power, but thirsted for God’s presence. His first act as king was bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, desiring fervently to build a magnificent temple for God.
Chronicles_the Seventh Station
Historical records can serve as revelations for future generations, conveying God’s will and actions like prophets. Therefore, in the Hebrew Bible, books concerning Israel’s history such as Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings are categorized as the Former Prophets within the Prophetic Books. However, Chronicles is…
The Book of Chronicles is a rich treasure trove. Let us begin by understanding the intimate relationship between God and man, starting from the creation of Adam. Then we can focus on how David, with a heart of reverence for God, united the twelve tribes of Israel into a single nation. When his son Solomon became king of Israel and built the temple for the Lord God…
Chronicles_the Ninth Station
The greatest difference between the Book of Chronicles and regular history books is that the author clearly focuses on the succession of kings from the lineage of David and Solomon. Occasionally, there are kings who follow the pious and devout example of their ancestors, but more often, they utterly disregard the statutes and ordinances of the Lord God…
From 835 to 715 BC, the southern kingdom of Judah faced successive crises of faith. The five kings during this period: Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, and Ahaz – whether they were pious and loved God, and followed the ways of Jehovah God, not only led to different outcomes in their personal lives; their relationship with God also affected …
Chronicles_the Eleventh Station
David once earnestly called out in the Psalms: “Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous…
After King Josiah of Judah died on the battlefield, the spiritual revival of Judah came to an abrupt halt, and the nation became a vassal state of Egypt due to its defeat in war. The Lord sent the prophet Jeremiah to speak to the house of Israel: “Look! I am preparing a disaster for you and devising a plan against you. Each of you must turn from your evil ways…